Business Works: Hiring the Right Employees

Business Works: Hiring the Right Employees
Friday, January 14, 2022 (8:30 AM - 10:00 AM) (EST)
The Lake Norman Chamber will host the "Six Pillars of Achieving Your Goals in 2022" with Business Coach David Dowdy Friday, January 14th 8:30-10:00 am. The program, which will be held in person in the Randy Marion Board Room at the Chamber (Suite 201), will also be available via ZOOM and recorded for later viewing by Chamber Members ONLY. To obtain the Zoom credentials, contact the Chamber at 704-892-1922 or email
We will address the “how” of goal-setting in this month’s BusinessWorks. We might even give you some guidance as to the “what” also. The process of achieving dreams and goals, especially in business, has been proven out for years. And that’s the topic this month.
Every business owner, sales representative, or entrepreneur has set professional and personal GOALS for 2022. At least - they should have...right??? That’s a basic fundamental of business... Dream it.... Put some details to it...and set out to make it happen. Easy? Nope. Simple? Yep. There’s a process. And it really starts with what you want. Taking last year’s numbers and adding 10%? Well, you could. That’s a lazy way of setting your goals. But is that what you want? Why not ignore last year? What’s happened has happened. 2022 is a new year. Anything is possible. What is it you REALLY want? Start with the “what”, and don’t let your fight-or-flight mind kick in and start processing the “how”. That’s how goals get much smaller, irrelevant, or don’t even get set.
Join us and pick up the details of how to make 2022 your best year ever.
You’ll learn:
- How to think bigger
- Simplicity of focus
- Where you sit on the Entrepreneur Ladder
- Why the “Why”
- 6 Pillars of achieving your goals
- And as a Bonus, I’ll give you two powerful tools to help in your planning and goal setting

There is no cost to attend. Please pre-register by using the link OR call 704.892.1922
19900 West Catawba Avenue (RMCR) 2nd Floor Visitor Center / Chamber of Commerce
Cornelius, NC 28031 United States