The Greatest Gifts of all!

The Greatest Gifts of all!
Merry Christmas Everyone!
At the age of six, I was certain of my career path – I would be a soldier or a cowboy. I looked sharp in my new G.I. Joe uniform my Grandmother Feemster bought that year and I had a rather nifty little salute. It was about that time though that dad and Granddaddy Russell bought me a pony and I was also pretty sure I could be the next John Wayne. That same year Santa left a “doctor’s kit” under the Christmas tree. My present included a microscope and a doctor’s bag equipped with stethoscope, a flashlight to peer into ears and mouths, and little candy pills to remedy nearly any ailment.
Mom had also purchased me the Board Game “Operation” that had players remove items from the board without touching the sides setting off a buzzer. My family marveled at my steady hands and surgical abilities. Granddaddy Russell often served as my patient as I gave him one examination after the other, always leaving him with a “pill” to take to cure any illness. Granddaddy started referring to me as “Doc” and often called me that long after I grew out of my doctor phase. I never made it into medical school, instead turning my attention to business.
Recently, in a staff meeting, we spoke about the tremendous activity at the Lake Norman Chamber. Our Chamber coordinates networking events and professional development programs to help our businesses create or redefine their business marketing and financial strategies. In essence, the Chamber is much like the doctor’s office as we help the struggling and ailing businesses get back on their feet, ready and able to compete in the competitive marketplace. This month, our Chamber members and service organizations will collect “Toys for Tots”; deliver toys, clothing, and food to families needing a helping hand; make Santa visits to shut ins and kids in hospitals; and volunteer their time, talent…and yes, dollars to make this a memorable Christmas for those who are less fortunate.
I cannot count the number of times I have participated in a “Christmas Charities” event, providing for that family who would otherwise go without that family Christmas celebration. Having that mother look me in the face, with tears in her eyes telling me she had explained to the kids there would be no Christmas – no Santa this year. “I didn’t think anyone cared,” one woman once said to me as her little boy hugged tightly at her waist.
Long ago, I came to understand that it’s not what we get in life that matters but what we give to others that counts and what we become by doing it. That service to humanity, service above self, is the greatest gift. In a way, I became that doctor that I envisioned as a little boy. In a real sense, that’s what our staff here at the Chamber means to our local businesses. And yes, at times, I may still be a little bit of a cowboy.
Happy Holidays!
Bill Russell, President & CEO
Lake Norman Chamber of Commerce
Caption: Photo by Deborah Young Studio