Special Focus Friday: Focus on Economic Impact Study/Transformational Mobility Network

Special Focus Friday: Focus on Economic Impact Study/Transformational Mobility Network
Friday September 3rd 8:30 am
On Friday, September 3rd, the Lake Norman Chamber of Commerce will host a special Focus Friday as we examine a regional approach to our transportation infrastructure. Lake Norman residents want and deserve transportation options and we know transportation alternatives spur economic development. While roads are part of the solution, there is a point of diminishing returns. In this one hour virtual program, we will explore transportation choices which can improve the quality of life for our residents.
Emceed by Lake Norman Chamber Public Policy Chair Jeff Tarte, Focus Friday is presented by Novant Health - Huntersville Medical Center and sponsored by WSIC 100.7 FM and Business Today / Cornelius Today.
Our speakers include:
- Daniel Findley, PhD, PE, Senior Research Associate, Institute for Transportation Research and Education, NC State University (Pictured)
- Janet LaBar, President and CEO, Charlotte Regional Business Alliance
- Paul Shumaker, Co-Founder and Partner, Strategic Partners Solutions
To request the ZOOM link, RSVP to Sylvia Spury at Spury@lakenormanchamber.org or call 704-892-1922.