N.C. Governor Cooper's Executive Order Releases Many Restrictions on Business

N.C. Governor Cooper's Executive Order Releases Many Restrictions on Business
Rep John Bradford Provides Recap of Order which Takes Effect this Friday, March 26
The following message was provided by North Carolina Representative John R. Bradford, III - 98th District.
Governor Cooper announced an executive order earlier today relaxing COVID-19 restrictions. The EO covers 3 occupancy-level categories: 100%, 75% and 50% capacities. Please note the statewide face covering mandate is still in effect and all businesses are required to adhere to social distancing protocols and other health safety measures.
This EO takes effect on 03/26 at 5:00 PM est and expires on 04/30 at 5:00 PM est. This EO also removes the restriction on after-hours sales of alcoholic beverages at bars and restaurants.
Mass gatherings can increase indoors from 25 to 50 and outdoors gatherings can increase 50 to 100.
100% capacity includes retail, museums, aquariums, personal care, salons/grooming and tattoo businesses.
75% capacity includes gyms, yoga, fitness centers, pools, amusement parks, recreational activities, breweries, wineries and distilleries, outdoor movie theaters and outdoor gaming facilities.
50% capacity includes sports arenas, auditoriums, lounges, nightclubs, meeting/conference centers, indoor movie theaters and indoor gaming facilities.