Message from the President – Please VOTE in this year’s election!

Message from the President – Please VOTE in this year’s election!
Message to the Membership from Lake Norman Chamber President Bill Russell
Lake Norman Chamber Members and Local Citizens:
On Tuesday, November 2nd voters will go to the polls, if they have not already participated early at Town Hall or the Library, to vote for candidates in each of our three North Mecklenburg Towns of Cornelius, Davidson, and Huntersville. Each town has contested elections for the Board and a contested Mayor’s race in Huntersville.
The Lake Norman Chamber of Commerce does not endorse or support candidates for office even though quite a few have served on the Board of the Chamber at some point. But the Chamber does believe in the principles of good government, and we urge you to vote – and select the candidates who best represent your values – both to your family and your business.
We are very fortunate to live, work, and play in a region of the county and state that has seen significant growth over the last decade. Newcomers are choosing to relocate to the lake region as well as new corporations selecting this region as their new home. Growth, however, comes with challenges – specifically to our schools and transportation infrastructure. Voters in the next few days will determine who is best to meet theses challenges head on and plan for our future while holding down our tax rates which have made this area so desirable to live and work.
The Chamber was pleased to host candidate forums so voters could hear firsthand the priorities of our candidates for office. Yet, many may choose to sit home because the only thing on the ballot is the municipal elections themselves. The Chamber strongly urges you to take an active role in the future of your community. Encourage family members and friends to VOTE!
Those who are elected to the Town Boards in this year’s election will make decisions which could significantly impact your business and the economic vitality of our region as well as the quality of life which we all enjoy. Thank you in advance for exercising your greatest privilege afforded all of us – the right to vote and select those who will lead our community and the Lake Norman region.
I wish you all the best as we work hard, work smart, and work together as we face the unbridled opportunities which await us!
W.E. “Bill” Russell, CCE, IOM
President & CEO