LKN Chamber & Charlotte Regional Business Alliance Cohost "Insights and Conversation on Medicaid Expansion and Certificate-of-Need Reform.”

LKN Chamber & Charlotte Regional Business Alliance Cohost "Insights and Conversation on Medicaid Expansion and Certificate-of-Need Reform.”
Virtual Program Friday, Oct 21 8:30-9:30 am
The Lake Norman Chamber of Commerce (LKN Chamber) and the Charlotte Reginal Business Alliance are hosting a statewide Zoom Webinar “Insights and Conversation on Medicaid Expansion and Certificate-of-Need (CON) Reform.” This marks the first time that the Business Alliance has joined the Lake Norman Chamber in its monthly Focus Friday series.
This special Focus Friday program will be aired virtually on a Zoom link Friday, October 21st 8:30 to 9:30 am.
Distinguished panelists include:
Atrium Health, State Director of Government Affairs, Martha Ann McConnell
Novant Health, State Director of Government Affairs, Elizabeth Outten
NC Senator and Co-Chairman Senate Health Care Committee, Jim Burgin
NC Speaker of the House of Representatives, Tim Moore
The Conversation will be moderated by former NC State Senator, LKN Chamber Public Policy Chair and Chair-elect Jeff Tarte. The discussion can be viewed virtually by clicking on the General Attendee webinar link:
Novant Health is the Presenting Sponsor of Focus Friday.