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Lake Norman Chamber to host candidate training program

Lake Norman Chamber to host candidate training program

Application Deadline: Friday, April 18th

The Lake Norman Chamber of Commerce will be hosting a candidate training program for individuals interested in future elected office. The Lake Norman Academy of Political Leadership is an introduction to campaigning for local, county, and state office. The three-day session will be held on three Saturdays in April/May (April 26, May 3 and 17). It will be held at the Chamber and WSIC Radio in Cornelius. The program is intended to assist civic-minded citizens who are considering running for political office to campaign in an ethical and effective manner.

The Lake Norman Chamber is a non-partisan business association that does not endorse or support candidates for office. However, the chamber believes strongly in the principles of good government and hopes to increase the number of business-minded elected officials with the skills and political acumen to provide the servant leadership which advances our community and region. The program was conducted in 2003, 2005, 2013, 2015, 2017, 2019 and most recently in 2023.

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United States Senator Thom Tillis, a graduate of the 2003 Lake Norman Academy of Political Leadership shared, "In 2003, I participated in the first Lake Norman Institute of Political Leadership as I prepared to run for my first elected office on the Cornelius Town Board. The program provided valuable insight into campaigning for public office and proved very helpful developing my message and strategy. I would highly encourage prospective candidates to apply for this program which examines the skills, leadership, and requirements needed of our elected officials."

Current Davidson Mayor Rusty Knox, a more recent graduate from the program added, “The Lake Norman Chamber offers many wonderful and unique opportunities for us in the LKN region. One is the Political Leadership Academy. This can be a potential proving ground for future policy makers, both locally, and potentially in a larger theater. Having the opportunity to talk candidly with past and current elected officials can be something pivotal for future leaders. This should be a prerequisite if you want to go into public service.”

The cost of the three-session program is $120 per person and includes meals. Applications must be received by Friday, April 18. Specific information can be found at

Interested candidates can apply by emailing Bill Russell at The program is sponsored by EnergyUnited, Duke Energy and WSIC Radio.

2025 Academy of Political Leadership

Hosted by Lake Norman Chamber of Commerce

The academy is a nonpartisan program designed for members of the community interested in running for elected office. Training sessions will feature presentations and discussions on ethics, campaign planning, research, targeting voters, fundraising, and messaging with a get-out-the-vote effort. All sessions will be taught by experts in their field with extensive experience right here in our Lake Norman Community

There are two sessions from 9:00 AM – 2:00 PM April 26th and May 17th. One session, on Saturday, May 3rd is dedicated to communications with participants taking part in a simulated radio interview and the recording of a radio ad. The cost to participate is $120 and is open to anyone wishing to run for elected office. Contact the Lake Norman Chamber at 704-892-1922.

Upon completion of this training session, you’ll be able to:

Assess whether you possess the basic traits necessary to run for office

Relay in 30 seconds or less why you are running for office

Describe the elements necessary for developing a campaign plan and begin the planning process

Discuss research needs based on your target audience and your budget estimates

Based on your campaign’s and your individual strengths, plan for the fundraising methods that can prove most effective and lucrative

Determine the best methods for contacting your target audience, based on voter demographics and budget

Analyze the digital/electronic campaign options available and determine which will prove most effective for your outreach


Session I: Laying the Groundwork for your Campaign

Saturday, April 26, 2025 Location: Lake Norman Chamber of Commerce – Marion Board Room

9:00AM Welcome from Chamber & Sponsors

9:30AM Campaign Ethics presented by Senator Jeff Tarte

10:00AM Opportunities and Challenges of Running for Office and Public Service

Panel Discussion with Current and Former Elected Officials

Panelists: Davidson Mayor Rusty Knox; Former Huntersville Town Commissioner Dan Boone; and Mecklenburg County Commissioner Pat Cotham

12:00PM Lunch

12:30PM Messaging – Program Chair Andy Yates

1:15PM Communication Assignment (Prep for Interview/Commercial)


Session II: Communication

Saturday, May 3, 2025 Location: WSIC Radio 18067 W. Catawba Ave. Ste. 204. Cornelius, NC

Times are individual and will be determined later.


Session III: Nuts and Bolts 

Saturday, May 17 2025 Location: : Lake Norman Chamber of Commerce – Marion Board Room

9:00AM Opening Comments

9:15AM Fundraising Neal Orr with The ABNO Group

10:00AM Campaigning in a Digital World – Andy Yates, Program Chair

11:00AM Take-aways from Communication Exercise

12:00PM Lunch

1:00PM Strategy (Tying together all you’ve learned and building a campaign plan) – Russell Peck, national political and public affairs strategist and Lake Norman resident, Oaklee Strategies

2:00PM Filing Requirements/Deadlines for Iredell and Mecklenburg Counties

2:30PM Close

Application Information

Interested applicants must apply by Friday, April 18 at 5pm. Include name, address, telephone, and email address. Also include political affiliation, if any, along with what office you might be interested in running for at some time.

Emails should be sent to Bill Russell:

Tuition for the program will be collected at the first session Saturday, April 29th.

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