Lake Norman Chamber Board of Directors Votes to Support Lagoona Bay proposal

Lake Norman Chamber Board of Directors Votes to Support Lagoona Bay proposal
Letter of Support Written to Local Developer Jake Palillo
May 25, 2023
Jake Pallilo
South Creek Construction
18611 Starcreek Drive
Cornelius, NC 28031
Thank you very much to you and your team for making a presentation to the Board of Directors of the Lake Norman Chamber of Commerce Monday, May 22nd. After you left, the Board overwhelmingly voted their “Support of the project as presented.” While the Board did not have a chance to review any Transportation Impact Analysis (TIA) which you stated you are undertaking, we are aware of the significant transportation improvements which are being addressed currently and are planned that mitigate many of the concerns.
The Chamber, as a business organization, focused on the economic impact this project will create – specifically employment, wages, and taxes as well as providing an amenity, quality of life resource, as well as attraction, which will be transformational for the Huntersville community and Lake Norman region.
Lagoona Bay, with its Co-working space, Beach Club, and housing is designed for a targeted younger demographic (Generation Z, Millennials, and Generation X) who are seeking this type of mixed-use development.
It was also exciting to hear about the planned luxury hotel, conference center, and fine dining which is needed in the Lake Norman region as we meet the demands of our growing region. Its location makes it an outstanding venue as a destination mixed use development and attraction.
Our Board is also very familiar with your personal track record of success with projects such as Bailey’s Glen and Symphony Park. Twenty years ago, our region was fortunate to be selected as the home of Birkdale Village. It was a very “outside of the box” project which became the benchmark for a successful mixed-use project and literally transformed our community. There is little doubt that this planned project, though it will likely be met with skeptics and criticism, will be even more transformational.
Thank you for investing in Huntersville and the Lake Norman region!
W.E. “Bill” Russell, CCE, IOM
President & CEO