Design Like a Boss; Master Canva

Design Like a Boss; Master Canva
Marketing Seminar Tuesday, Feb 20th 3:30-5:00pm
The Lake Norman Chamber of Commerce will host a marketing seminar Tuesday, Feb 20th from 3:30-5:00pm on Canva. Jaime Lane will facilitate "Design Like a Boss: Master Canva" at the Chamber 19900 West Catawba Ave - Randy Marion Board Room. Lane is the Community Relations Manager for the Lake Norman Economic Development (EDC).
Attendees will learn how to: Interface Exploration for Business; Design and Create Marketing Materials; Edit & Collaborate; Brand Your Product.
Jaime has a passion for creative design as she creates marketing and print materials for the EDC as it markets our region for primary job creation. She says, "Canva is my ultimate tool for bringing ideas to life."
Join us for this exciting professional development seminar. No charge for chamber members and guests.