Finishing Strong, Starting Stronger Webinar

Finishing Strong, Starting Stronger Webinar
Thursday, November 17, 2022 (8:00 AM - 9:00 AM) (EST)
How did you and your team make out so far this year? Regardless of progress this year and goals that were set, desired outcomes shouldn’t change. How you achieve them might. Either way, it’s time to plan, focus and finish the year strong so that 2023 brings more potential and growth. From a longer-term perspective, it’s time to create your Championship Play Book for 2023. We will share the keys to building a plan, and a Championship Play Book that will lead to the outcomes you want in 2023. This may actually be your best year ever in your business! We’ll work through: • What determines success for you and your business • How to set expectations • How to put a play book together that makes sense for you, for your business, and for the market Join us as we wrap up 2022. Please invite someone who you believe would benefit from this free ONE hour webinar; and keep in mind, when you fail to plan, you’re planning to fail. See you on the 17th.
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